Page 43 - Pure Life 31
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               42  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 27-67, Summer 2022
               of any deity, but he swears            necessity  of  obeying  the
               in the name of his god and in          Prophets,  the  Shiites  have
               return, commits to complying           also     recommended         the
               and  doing  certain  things.           obedience  of  the  infallible

               So, if a person possesses all          Imams,  and  in  the  Major
               the good things, is afraid of          Occultation  (i.e.  the  big
               committing  sin  and  is               absence),  the  obedience  to
               always engaged in worshiping           the  “Wali  Faqih”  (Islamic

               and  serving  his  creator,  he        Jurist) was also obligatory.
               can  swear  by  the  name  of             Imam Ali has repeatedly
               his  creator.  In  this  case,  a      pointed out the necessity of

               person  will  be  careful  not         obeying the Prophet, saying:
               to do anything secretly and               “The       confidant       of
               carelessly. In this way, man              Muhammad  know  that  I

               has truly served and obeyed               have  never,  in  my  life,
               God.  (Bachya  Ben  Asher,                ever  opposed  the  orders
               2003, Vol. 7: 2434)                       of God and his Prophet”.

                                                         (Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon. 197)
                   2.  Evidence of Hadiths
               Many  hadiths  have  been                 Although  Imam  Ali  has
               compiled through Shia and              not recognized the previous

               Sunni  as  well  as  verses  of        caliphs     legitimate,     has
               the  Quran  regarding  the             documented  his  silence  at
               necessity of obeying all the           the  behest  of  the  Prophet
               commands  of  the  Holy                and said:

               Prophets. In addition to the
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