Page 44 - Pure Life 31
P. 44

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (43

                  “I  never  concealed  a                God  and  obey  him
                  word  and  never  lied.  I             unconditionally”. (Ibid: 689)

                  swear to God that I was
                  made aware of this place               Imam  Sadiq  said  in  the

                  and this day - through the          “Maqbulah”  of  'Umar  ibn
                  Prophet”. (Nahj al-Balagha,         Hanzalah:
                  Sermon. 16)                            “Look  at  the  one  who
                                                         quotes  our  narration,

                  Imam Sadiq says:                       pays  attention  to  our
                  “If  the  people  worship              Halal  and  Haram  and
                  God  and  testify  to  the             knows our commandments,

                  Prophet oneness, then they             you  must  agree  with  his
                  protest to one of His deeds            command and obey him.
                  in appearance or inwardness,           If he issues an order the

                  they    are     hypocrite”.            same  as  ours  and  you
                  (Saffar,     2007:      677;           don’t  accept  it,  surely
                  Bahrani, 2007, Vol. 2: 119)            you have disregarded the
                                                         order  of  God,  and  our
                  Also  had  a  very  long               word  has  been  rejected
               tradition on the necessity of             and  anyone  who  rejects
               obedience  to  the  Prophet               our  word  has  rejected

               and say:                                  the  word  of  God  and
                  “God  only  accepts  the               such  a  person  is  an
                  worship of those servants              infidel and an idolater”.

                  who know the Messenger                 (Najafi, 1989, Vol. 21: 395)
                  of  the  commandments  of
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