Page 42 - Pure Life 31
P. 42
Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (41
infidel. (Tabatabai, 1996, to them and worship them.
Vol. 4: 406) (Book of Deuteronomy,
In the commentary of the 5: 7-9)
above verse, Tabari also
states: What the Prophets According to the
issues an order, it is the interpretations of the Bible,
same right and no one is the word worship in the
allowed to oppose it. “Old Testament” means
(Tabari, 1991, Vol. 5: 100) serving and obeying God.
The word obedience and And keeping God's
worship is used a lot in the commandments is considered
“Old Testament” and in a proof of obedience and
many verses it is ordered to God's love: (Ref: Glenn and
worship God and forbid Merton, 2000)
obedience and worship of Fear Jehovah your God
others. The second and worship him and swear
commandment of the ten by his name. (Book of
commandments is the Deuteronomy, 6: 13)
invitation to worship God If a person has to swear
and the prohibition of to something for some reason,
obeying and worshiping he swears to that thing if he
other than God: (Ref: commits to some things or
Glenn and Merton, 2000) does some things that are
There shall be no other asked of him. Therefore, he
gods before me... bow down does not swear in the name