Page 52 - Pure Life 31
P. 52

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (51

               are  infidels,  because  the              raised their voices in the
               phrase  “does  not  love  the             presence of the Prophet,

               unbelievers” means “He hates              their deeds are destroyed.
               infidels”,  in  which  the                (Bukhari, 1980, Vol. 6: 47)

               affirmative  meaning  has
               been negated.                             The important point here
                  Obviously, such interpretation      is that after the destruction
               is much more straightforward,          of act, the repentance is not

               for  if  one  were  to  say:           accepted.  The  Holy  Quran
               “Hates infidels”, one might            says:
               think  that  the  Prophet                 -  “Those  who  believe,

               opponents, although on one                then  reject  faith,  then
               hand are suffering from the               believe (again) and (again)
               wrath  of  God,  but  on  the             reject  faith,  and  go  on

               other  hand  they  might  be              increasing  in  unbelief,
               popular.  When  he  rejected              Allah  will  not  forgive
               the principle of 'hub i.e. love,          them  nor  guide  them  on

               there is no more such illusion.           the Way”. (Quran, 4: 137)
               (Tabari, 1991, Vol. 2: 734)               -  “But  those  who  reject
                  Bukhari  says  of  these               Faith after they accepted
               verses:                                   it, and then go on adding

                  These verses were revealed             to  their  defiance  of
                  about  the  first  and                 Faith,  never  will  their
                  second  caliphs.  Because              repentance  be  accepted;

                  they  were  impolite  and              for  they  are  those  who
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