Page 55 - Pure Life 31
P. 55
54 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 27-67, Summer 2022
accepted this great insult not the will of the
to the Prophet again and Prophet. I stopped writing
accepted those people as of the Prophet. (Ibn Abi
caliphs and religious al-Hadid, 1958, Vol. 12: 78)
leaders. (Majlisi, 2008,
Vol. 22: 487) Ibn Abi al-Hadid has
confessed to several things
Also, Ibn Abi al-Hadid in this story: One is that the
Muʿtazili believes: second caliph made a
Ibn Abbas says: In a trip, distinction between the will
I was traveling with the of God and the will of
second caliph during his Prophet. Another was that
caliphate. He said to me: he prevented the will of the
Does your cousin, Ali, Prophet for writing, and that
still have a grudge the second caliph considered
against me because of himself to be more aware
the story of Saqifah? I than the Prophet, and that
said: yes. He believes what he said in this story
that the Prophet had was an expression of
chosen him to be a disbelief and hypocrisy,
caliph. The caliph said: because, according to many
Prophet asked for his Quranic verses, opposition
pen and paper to write to the Prophet is the same
such a will, but the will as opposing God, and the
of God was not, and the difference between God and
will of God was fulfilled, the Prophet, according to the