Page 56 - Pure Life 31
P. 56

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (55

               approach of the Holy Quran,            lectures that you should not
               is  a  true  blasphemy  about          narrate  anything  from  the

               which God has said in this             Prophet. The Quran is among
               verse:                                 us,  call  its  Halal  as  Halal,

                  “They  are  in  truth               and call its Haram as Haram.
                  unbelievers; and We have               He  also  opposed  the
                  prepared for unbelievers            different  traditions  of  the
                  a humiliating punishment”.          Prophet; Including: Opposing

                  (Quran, 4: 151)                     Osama's  command  of  the
                                                      Revolutionary Guards, opposing
                  According to Ibn Abi al-            the  Prophet  tradition  of

               Hadid, there is no doubt in            fighting Muslims who have
               the  disbelief  of  some  of           not  paid  Zakat  and  killing
               companions. (Bahrani, 2008,            them, opposing divine verdicts;

               Vol. 2: 304)
                                                      such     as    Kalalah,     not
               2-2.   Disagreement  with  the         sacrificing  for  Hajj  in  the
                      Prophet After his Death         Quran, and ruling according
               This  case  is  divided  into          to    his     own      opinion,
               two parts:                             Ignoring the Prophet tradition

                   ➢  Explicit  Opposition  to        in about those whose tiding
                      the  Prophet  Definitive        their  hearts  together  and,
                      Tradition                       according to Umar, refusing
               For example, the first caliph,         to give their share, ignoring
               burned  the  five  hundred             the Prophet  tradition in the

               hadiths he had collected from          caliphate in the succession of
               the Prophet, and stated in his
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