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               56  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 27-67, Summer 2022

               Ali  and  without  consulting          session,  opposition  to  the
               with Muslims, called Umar              Prophet during the conquest
               as his succession, he ignored          of     Mecca      about      the
               the  Prophet  tradition  with          replacement of the position

               regard to his daughter, Zahra,         of  Ibrahim  which  was
               and  made  her  angry  and             replaced  by  the  ignorant
               bothered her. (Suyuti, 2005,           Arabs,  disagreement  with
               Vol. 3: 45; Bayhaqi, 2003,             the  Quran  and  Sunnah  in

               Vol. 9: 265)                           Tayammum,  and  issuing
                  The  second  caliph,  also          the  order  of  non-necessity
               sought  to  collect  and  burn         of      prayer      in     such

               all narratives of the Prophet,         circumstances, disagreement
               and  prevented  the  people            with the Quran and Sunnah
               from narrating the traditions          for not spying in the issues

               of the Prophet. Some of the            of        Muslims           and
               oppositions  of  the  second           considering it as a heretics,
               caliph  against  the  tradition        removing part of the Adhan

               of the Prophet are:                    and  adding  another  part,
                  Opposition to the dispatch          opposing  the  Quran  and
               of Osama's corps, opposition           Sunnah  in  performing  the
               to the share of those whose            Hadd on Khalid ibn Walid,

               tiding their hearts together,          the      spread      of      the
               opposition to the Hajj Mut'ah          congregational  nafl  prayer,
               and Women Mut'ah, opposition           creating  a  Class  system  in

               to  three  divorces  in  one           the society by preventing the
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