Page 80 - Pure Life 31
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The Spiritual Importance of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage… S. Fahs and Y. Ali / (79

                  touched  by  the  fire,  and           The  Quranic  verses  and
                  you would not have other            honourable  hadiths  show

                  than Allah any protectors;          that  obedience  should  be
                  then  you  would  not  be           shown towards the rightful

                  helped”. (Quran, 11: 113)           leader  and  not  to  the
                                                      oppressor because accepting
                  In  the  English  language,         wrongdoing  for  a  long
               the incline means to remain            period  of  time  distorts  the

               silent about something. The            human instinct and causes a
               incline  in  this  noble  verse        person  to  be  satisfied  and
               refers  to  the  tendency  to          content with the oppression.

               defend  wrongdoers,  justify              In  addition  to  their
               their actions and deeds, and           ideological  and  religious
               remain silent about them.              role in directing the people,

                  When  asked  why  the               the  Prophets  and  Imams
               Umayyads had such presence             had  a  role  in  confronting
               and  power,  Imam  Sadiq               dictators  and  their  beliefs,
               said:                                  so they had a giant role in

                  “If  someone  had  stood            preserving Islamic principles
                  up to the Umayyads and              and defending the Prophet’s
                  opposed their views, they           Sharia  by  standing  up  to

                  would  not  have  robbed            tyrants.
                  us    of    our     rights”.           For  example;  Abraham
                  (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 93: 238)
                                                      confronted  Nimrud,  Moses

                                                      faced  Pharaoh  and  Imam
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