Page 85 - Pure Life 31
P. 85
84 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 69-91, Summer 2022
destroy the historical philosophy and tyranny in which
behind Imam Hussein which numerous leaders, intellectuals
indicates why the media and people were impressed
upset to see the huge by and surprised by how
number of people from all much their perspective was
across the globe that come changed when they read
and gather at Karbala each about the event.
year. Hence it is our job to In a documentary, a well-
spread the message Of known Hollywood actor
Imam Hussein that the Morgan Freeman, who has
International media is so won numerous awards over
scared of and tries so hard the course of his more than
to shut down. five-decade career, including
an Oscar and a Golden
Inspiration from the Globe, discussed the series
Revolution of Imam Hussein of events that resulted in
The immortal Husseini Imam Hussein's martyrdom.
revolution is evident that He said: For centuries,
the battle of Karbala was men and women hear their
and continues to be the story, I mean those who
light and hope for all the want to sacrifice themselves
people who are oppressed for their faith because they
or living in injustice. Imam believe God chose them,
Hussein revolted for these And the name of one of
ideals and beliefs. It is a them is Hussein ibn Ali,
revolution against oppression