Page 84 - Pure Life 31
P. 84

The Spiritual Importance of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage… S. Fahs and Y. Ali / (83

                  She     notes     that   the        participate  and  experience
               massive media blackout on              the journey.

               the Arbaeen Pilgrimage was                According  to  Metcalfe,
               a reason that inspired her to          the  Arbaeen  Pilgrimage  is

               film it. Emily admits it was           underreported  in  the  West
               very frustrating and almost            and  few  people  are  aware
               painful     how       surprised        of  this  important  yearly
               people  would  be  if  they            humanitarian event.

               reacted  to  the  positive                When she visited Iraq for
               narrative  she  was  showing           the Arbaeen Pilgrimage last
               to the world.                          year,  political  analyst  and

                  British journalist Charlie          author  Catherine  Shakda,
               Metcalfe, who was participating        based  in  London,  stressed
               in the Arbaeen walk for the            how  important  Arbaeen  is

               first  time,  discussed  the           for  fostering  unity  among
               idea of Imam Hussain Holy              Muslims.
               Shrine with the International             We observe that International

               Media  Centre  as  follows:            media  and  some  Western
               Unfortunately, the International       and Arab  regimes continue
               media      focuses      on     a       to  use  media  blackouts  or
               different  side  of  Iraq  and         deploy  them  in  ways  that

               turns  a  blind  eye  towards          distort  the  purpose  behind
               all of this. I believe if more         Arbaeen;  Even  when  the
               people knew about Arbaeen,             issue  is  addressed,  the

               they     would      want      to       International media tries to
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