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               82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 69-91, Summer 2022

               positive  effects  of  the                According  to  the  British
               Arbaeen        while       they        journalist Emily Garthwaite,
               brainwash      the     ignorant        International media continue
               audience to draw connections           to  overlook  the  Arbaeen

               between  this  occasion  and           Pilgrimage,  and  question
               danger  by  emphasising  the           how  more  than  25  million
               danger  and  violence  that            people  make  their  way  to
               endanger  the  lives  of               Karbala each year. She was

               millions of people traveling           at  Najaf  Airport  with  a
               to  Karbala.  However,  they           group  of  Iraqi  and  Iranian
               could not disprove the fact            photographers  getting  ready

               that  a  massive  number  of           to  make a  documentary  on
               people  would  travel  there           the Arbaeen Pilgrimage for
               every year.                            someone who passed away

                  Madrasi said the Arbaeen            1400  years  ago  and  the
               Pilgrimage Husseini should             International media did not
               be     entered      into     the       consider  it  a  ground-

               Guinness  Book  of  World              breaking issue.
               Records under a number of                 There  is  no  political  or
               categories,  including  the            hidden  agenda  to  Arbaeen
               largest  human  gathering,             she says, it is just a religious

               the longest dining table, the          but  more  importantly,  a
               largest number of volunteers           humanistic  commitment  to
               in  one  event  and  other             social justice and empowerment.

               fascinating and thrilling things.      (Garthwaite, 2014)
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