Page 140 - Pure Life 32
P. 140
Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (139
- The Method of Repentance Conclusion
Adolescents, due to their According to the teachings
emotional and extremist of Islam, goals, principles,
spirit, often engage in basis and methods can be
actions and behaviors that formulated for the moral
they are ashamed of and education of adolescence.
regret after their emotion In this article, an attempt
subsides. Although on the has been made to make the
surface, they never admit above-mentioned formulation.
their mistake and dismiss The goal of moral
criticism as unfounded, education is the perfection
they acknowledge their of man and his attainment
slipperiness from within of perfection. The principles
because they have are knowledge, piety, dignity,
sufficient discernment. creating favorable conditions,
Being open to repentance habit correction.
helps them to recover from The methods are giving
depression and despair, and insight, reminder, admonition,
to seek redress for their preaching, remembering God,
actions. He who loves honesty, fear and hope, creating self-
trustworthiness and purity; care ability, encouragement,
He completely regrets that negligence, providing an
he committed such acts. opportunity for moral
action, modeling, entering
the constructive friendly
community, praising good
qualities, repentance.