Page 138 - Pure Life 32
P. 138

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (137

               aspect  of  habit;  Of  course,        ugly       deeds       become
               such  a  habit  is  of  little         beautiful,  and  all  one's

               value  if  it  lacks  sufficient       negative       aspects      and
               awareness and precision, so            attributes are summarized.
               while  the  habit  is  being              Every  human  being  first

               formed,  one  should  pay              has a moral conscience that
               attention to the purpose and           controls him against carnal
               purpose that is the cause of           airs  and  moral  deviations;

               the habit. In this case, habit         But  if  a  person,  under  the
               can  be  considered  as  an            influence  of  various  factors,
               effective  tool  in  human             violates the conscience and

               education.                             does  not  pay  attention  to
                  Habit may be an obstacle            his  commands,  and  this  is
               to receiving and understanding         repeated,  the  ugliness  of

               moral  values.  Sometimes,             the deeds  disappears  and a
               in  order  to  save  oneself           bad habit is formed.
               from psychological pressures,             The Quran says:
               one      deviates      through            “For  it  there  are  hearts

               reason  and  thinking  and                without understanding and
               acts  in  spite  of  the  call  of        knowledge, eyes with light
               one's conscience. Ignorance               and  insight  and  deaf

               of conscience and not using               corners  of  truth.  They
               reason  and  thought  causes              are  like  cattle,  but  they
               one  to  at  least  ignore  the           are  far  astray,  they  are

               truth  and  get  used  to  it,  in        heedless”. (Quran, 7: 179)
               which  case  one  sees  the
               falsehood  as  right,  one's
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