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               140  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

                  According  to  literature              It  is  recommended  that
               review,  it  will  be  useful  if      future  researchers  examine
               moral education is included            moral  education  in  other
               in the school curriculum. It           periods  of  human  life  or
               is  now  recommended  that             research  moral  education

               future  research  examine              from  the  perspective  of
               how  the  principles  and              ancient  and  contemporary
               methods  of  the  present              Muslim thinkers.

               study  can  be  incorporated              Another  topic  for  future
               into the curriculum.                   research  is  to  investigate
                  According  to  one  of  the         the     effect     of    moral

               points  in  literature  review,        education during adolescence
               the  cultural  context  in             on      the     identity      of
               ethics  must  be  considered,          adolescents. It is recommended

               which  in  the  present  study         that    education      officials
               is  Islamic  culture.  As  seen        consider        the      goals,
               in  back  ground  of  this             principles  and  methods  of
               research, the position of the          moral  education  in  micro

               family in adolescent education         and  macro  policies  of
               is important. The principles           education and especially in
               and  methods  mentioned  in            the  field  of  curriculum

               the  present  study  can  be           planning.  Moral  education
               applied in the family. More            courses  for  childhood  and
               research  is  needed  on  the          adolescence       in    teacher

               place  of  indoctrination  in          training centers,  as well  as
               Islamic education.                     practical  courses  in  the
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