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               138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022
                  Therefore, the correction              the  new  adult  child
               of    harmful      habits     is          prefers change and novelty.
               considered  as  an important              (Debs, 2003: 159)
               principle in moral education.
               Therefore, different possible             Adolescents welcome new

               methods should be used to              experiences.  So  it  is  not
               fight and break habits.                difficult  to  eradicate  bad
                  Imam Ali says:                      habits  in  adolescence.  For

                  “Man achieves honorable             this  it  is  necessary  to  give
                  and  high  degrees  by              him     insight    and     then
                  overcoming harmful habits”.         strengthen  the  will  of  the

                  (Amudi, 2008: 325)                  adolescent.  To  reform  his
                                                      habits with a firm decision
                  In  adolescence,  habits            and  determination  and  to
               are not yet strong and have            build     a    healthy      and

               no  roots.  Therefore,  the            competent  personality  for
               implementation        of    this       himself.
               principle  in  this  period  is           Therefore, cognition and

               more possible. The adolescent          will of adolescents are two
               may  be  accustomed  to                basic     factors     in     the
               certain things, but this habit         implementation        of    this

               is not strong enough to deal           principle. By strengthening
               with many problems.                    these two, we can pave the
                  The  absolute  power  of            way      for   fighting     and

                  habit  cannot  be  trusted          correcting bad habits.
                  in  this  period,  says
                  Maurice  Debs,  because
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