Page 158 - Pure Life 32
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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (157

                  By spending the  Leisure            for  recreational  sports  and
               Time  correctly,  different            popularizing sports, but we

               people, especially the youth           see  that  the  number  of
               and     teenagers     of    the        participants      in    leisure
               society,  will  recover  the           sports activities is not very

               vitality and energy necessary          favorable compared to other
               for  future  leisure  activities       countries. (Heydari et al, 2019)
               and will be more successful               Due  to  the  tendency  of

               in future activities.                  sports       and       physical
                  Despite  the  importance            education  managers  and
               of  sports  leisure  time  and         sports      media      towards

               its  role  in  improving  the          championship sports, so far
               quality  of  life,  not  much          less attention has been paid
               attention  has  been  paid  to         to  leisure  sports  activities.

               the  issue  of  sports  leisure        (Ehsani et al, 2013)
               time  in  Iran.  Despite  the             It  seems  that  the  proper
               existence        of       many         use     of    Leisure     Time
               organizations and departments          depends on accurate planning

               (Federation      of    General         and  appropriate  to  the
               Sports,  Deputy  General               needs  and  its  successful
               Sports  of  the  Ministry  of          implementation,  in  which

               Sports        and       Youth,         all  Leisure  Time  activities
               Municipalities,  Ministry  of          should      be     considered.
               Education,      Ministry      of       Considering  that  spending

               Science,      Research      and        Leisure Time by performing
               Technology), each of which             physical  activities  such  as
               considers  itself  responsible         climbing,  walking,  park
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