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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (159

               result,  it  increases  the            sports education and training
               quality  of  human  life.  The         can  have  a  significant

               total  advantages  of  sports          effect on understanding the
               and  physical  activity  have          enjoyment  of  leisure  time
               led  to  the  fact  that  the          physical activities and also

               majority  of  experts  agree           stabilizing social status.
               on  the  necessity  of  doing             Be     the     results     of
               physical and sports activities         Cuaderes  et  al  (2004)

               during Leisure Time.                   research  also  showed  that
                  Regarding physical activities       different  motivations  in
               and  its  relationship  with           people, social status, physical

               leisure  time,  Lee-Wen  and           condition,     and     existing
               Tsai-chung (2016) introduce            obstacles have an effect on
               physical activity and sports           the  extent  to  which  people

               as  the  most  important               engage in sports these days.
               model  of  spending  leisure           Several  researches  have
               time and emphasize its role            been conducted in the field
               in  the  health  of  today's           of  strategic  leisure  time

               societies.                             program, which, due to the
                  Also, Wallhead et al (2013)         emphasis  on  the  Iranian
               in a research entitled Sports          model      in    the    present

               education  and  social  goals          research, has focused more
               of physical education, they            on the domestic background
               investigated the relationship          literature.

               between  enjoyment  and                   The  results  of  Mansouri
               leisure time physical activities       et al (2019) research showed
               and concluded that continuous          that  the  availability  of
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