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               54  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 27-60, Autumn. 2022

               Conclusion                             resonance  of  conceptual
               Despite the many researches            metaphors, and as a  result,
               that  have been done  so far           journey  metaphors  are  the
               about peace, a few of them             most  productive  metaphors
               were  from  the  perspective           for peace.

               of conceptual metaphor and                In both target domain of
               its  critical  analysis,  and          peace and source domain of
               they do not contribute much            journey  in  the  conceptual

               to the precise understanding           key  of  “peace  is  journey”,
               of  the  concept  of  peace  in        there is an assumption that
               the Quran.                             we  are  trying  to  achieve  a

                  Since  the  conceptual              predetermined       goal;     In
               metaphor       has    a    very        addition,  the  journey  may
               important  persuasive  role            be  on  ways  that  we  have

               and  “by  cognitive  analysis          not  seen  before,  therefore,
               of     the     Holy      Quran         it  seems  that  the  choice  of
               metaphorical  expressions,             this  source  domain  is  the
               the message hidden in these            rhetorical  goal  of  calling

               expressions can be achieved”.          and  persuading  people  for
               (Hejazi, 2021: 66)                     peace in order to pure life.
                  Therefore, examining the                On  the  other  hand,  due

               conceptual  metaphors  of              to the fact that the journey
               “Selm”  can  help  a  lot  to          metaphor  often  provides  a
               better understand this concept.        positive  value,  and  even

                  In  this  research,  the            when  the  negative  parts  of
               source  domain  of  journey            the trip are mentioned such
               constitutes 72% of the total           as  the  difficult  path  that
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