Page 50 - Pure Life 32
P. 50
Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (49
That is, for a better be a real and practical
understanding of the target surrender to the truth”.
domain of surrending to (Ibid)
Allah, the source domain of According to the fact
religion has been used to that being guided is related
convey the concept. to the source domain of
Also, in terms of religion, in this verse
pragmatic criteria, Allah “surrending to Allah is
orders the Prophet to stay religion” is a conceptual
away from arguing with metaphor that, according to
Jews and Christians and Lakoff and Johnson’s
says: theoretical framework it is
Say: To those who are a structural one; because
people of the book (Jews one concept is understood
and Christians) and also to based on another concept.
the uneducated (polytheists), Therefore, it seems that
have you also surrendered in the conceptual metaphor,
(like me that surrendered to “be guided” in the source
the command of the truth)? domain of the religion can
If they truly surrender, they create the way for peace
have been guided. which prepares the ground
(Makarem Shirazi, 1992, for internalizing religion
Vol. 2: 476) for peace and brings spiritual
In the following, he inclinations to peace in
adds: “It is not meant to be order to pure life, too.
a verbal and alleged 37 conceptual metaphors
surrender; but it is meant to were found in 6 source