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               66  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 61-97, Autumn. 2022
               respecting the cultural values         kind  of  interaction  that
               including the religious ones           provides understanding through
               of  the  counter  parts.  This         direct  experience  of  the
               kind  of  dialogue  is  very           other. (Ref: Buber, 1971)
               distinguished  from  debate,              He  saw  it  as  a  genuine,

               where  we  seek  to  win  an           transformative       encounter
               argument, to persuade others           between  the  participants
               of our point of view.                  seeing  and  responding  to

                  It  is  also  different  from       each  other  as  persons,  not
               discussion,  which  aims  to           as  things  that  they  might
               solve  a  problem,  reach  a           use as means to an end. For

               consensus  or  decide  on  a           Buber, dialogue is a deeply
               course  of  action.  In  an            meaningful       interpersonal
               intercultural  dialogue  we            experience,      which      can

               engage  with  others  for  the         change  you,  as  it  can  help
               sake of relationship; we are           you  see  yourself  from  the
               looking        simply        for       perspective of the other. In
               meaningful  humanistic  and            accordance  with         David

               cultural interaction through           Bohm,  we  can  have  the
               which  we  may  grow  in               range  of  learning  that  can
               understanding of the other,            take  place  in  dialogue.

               of  ourselves  and  of  the            (Ref: Bohm, 2004)
               linkage between us to make                The  one  who  engage  in
               a strong network peacemaking.          an  intercultural  dialogue

                  We  take  benefit  of               not  only  become  aware  of
               Martin Buber’s observation             the    realities    of    other
               of  true  dialogue  here  as  a        cultures, but also helps him
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