Page 70 - Pure Life 32
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The Effect Quality of the Intercultural Dialogues… S.H.A. Shah Rizvi and M. Alviri / (69

               people  are  situated  as  that           On the other hand, Lisa,
               is  the  core  interconnecting         argues that peacemaking is

               the network.                           most  often  used  as  an
               -  Be  flexible  and  smart,           umbrella         term         to
               responsive  and  adaptive  to          encompass       other     terms

               the  changing  environment.            such  as  conflict  resolution,
               Lederach  argued  that  a              management,         mitigation,
               sustainable  way  to  build            prevention, or transformation.

               peace  is  creating  a  web  of           Schirch  illustrates  those
               relationships,  a  network             similar  terms  in  this  way:
               that includes our enemies.             The       term       “Conflict

                                                      resolution”  is  useful  when
                  Lederach further highlighted        communicating         to     the
               that      peacemaking         is       general  public,  and  to

               adaptability, the capacity to          funders      who     generally
               respond  and  adapt  in  a             understand  this  term.  Yet
               dynamic          environment.          there  are  a  variety  of

               (Lederach, 2005)                       problems  with  the  term
                  what     is    called     the       conflict resolution.
               Charter of Medina in Time                 First,  many  believe  it

               of  Prophet  would  be  as  a          implies  too  much  finality.
               model        for       network         Conflicts rarely end neatly.
               peacemaking embraced not               A  second,  related  concern

               only  Muslims  but  non-               is  that  the  term  de-
               Muslims  as  well  as  the             legitimizes         nonviolent
               people of the Book.                    forms  of  resistance  and

                                                      struggle, making the problem
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