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               72  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 61-97, Autumn. 2022
               commanding believers to be             [O Prophet] compel people
               righteous  and  levelheaded            to believe. (Ibid, 10: 99)
               in  their  dealings  with  their
               fellow beings.                         -  If  God  so  willed,  He
                                                      would  have  made  you  all
               Faith-based  Peacemaking               one people. (Ibid, 16: 93)
               Classified as Fallow
                   1.  The      Reality      of          These  verses  indicate
                      Diversity                       that diversity out of human

               The  Quran  explains  free             free  will  was  intended  by
               will of human being caused             God.  This  requires  us  to

               a  kind  of  diversity  in             learn how to live peacefully
               religion and culture clarifying        through  intercultural  as
               how  to  respond  to  it  with         well  as  interfaith  dialogue.
               righteousness and justice:             The  other  verses  from  the

               -  Say,  Now  the  truth  has          Quran  show  us  the  divine
               come  from  your  Lord:  let           wisdom  in  such  diversity,
               those  who  wish  to  believe          encouraging us to engage:

               in  it  do  so,  and  let  those       -  We  have  assigned  a  law
               who wish to reject it do so.           and a path to each of you.
               (Quran, 18: 29)                        If  God  had  so  willed,  He
                                                      would  have  made  you  one
               - There is no compulsion in            community,  but  He  wanted
               religion. (Ibid, 2: 256)               to  test  you  through  that

                                                      which He has given you, so
               - Had your Lord willed, all            race  to  do  good:  you  will

               the  people  on  earth  would          all  return  to  God  and  He
               have  believed.  So  can  you
                                                      will  make  clear  to  you  the
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