Page 103 - Pure Life 33
P. 103
102 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
Introduction In other words, we can
Mysticism means knowledge see that mysticism is
and mystic knows things in divided into two parts:
such a way that he does not Theoretical mysticism that
deny what he has seen. means the knowledge of
(Jahami, 2006, Vol. 1: 1763) the Divine Essence, and his
In Dawud Qaysari's letters Names and Attributes, and
(Treatise on Monotheism, practical mysticism which
Prophethood and Guardianship), is to know the stages, ranks
we see a comprehensive and stations, and act of
definition of mysticism, self- mortification to arrive
where mysticism consists of at God. According to that,
knowledge of the Holy practical mysticism is the
Essence in terms of his knowledge of the heart that
Names, Attributes and is realized through intuition
Manifestations, and knowledge and seeing.
of the conditions of the Ibn Sina, describing the
Origin and the Return, the mystic, says:
truths of the world and how That the one who stops
to return to a single truth, his inner self from paying
the Divine Essence, and to attention to anything
know the spiritual wayfaring other than God and
and exert efforts to free the directs it to the world of
soul from the narrowness of Sanctity so that the light
particularity and connect to of truth shines on it, is
its origin and become universal. known as a mystic. So,
(Qaysari, 2009: 7) the mystic is always in a