Page 104 - Pure Life 33
P. 104
Mystical Analysis of Dream… Y. Ali. & K.F. Mustafa (103
state of obedience and It must be mentioned
worship in soul, heart, that the true dream is the
and secret, in order to only kind that is fully
achieve true divine presented by the Holy
knowledge in his inner Quran through its verses
self. (Ibn Sina, 2003, and the confused one is
Ninth Namat) only mentioned twice as a
term, nothing more. For
The word “Dream” (Vision) instance, Allah says:
appears (14) times with its “They have said, It, (the
various derivatives in the Quran), is only the result
Holy Quran, as the Almighty’s of some confused dreams.
saying in his Holy Book: He is only a poet. He
“Tell me the interpretation should show us some
of my dream, if you are miracles, as the ancient
able to”. (Quran, 12: 43)
Prophets had done”.
Meaning: The king asked (Quran, 21: 5)
the nobles to tell him the When Allah gives vision
meaning of his dream if such importance in his
they were able to. Holy Book, that means He
The terms related to wants us to pay attention to
vision in the Holy Quran its spiritual role in human
are the confused dreams perfection; Because of that
which are the dreams prophet Muhammad and
whose facts cannot reveal, his family narrated many
and vision which means the hadiths about dream.
true dream.