Page 108 - Pure Life 33
P. 108

Mystical Analysis of Dream… Y. Ali. & K.F. Mustafa (107

               Theoretical  Foundations               is stated in the the Quranic
               of Research                            dictionaries,  refers  to  what

                   1.  Dream (Vision)                 is seen in a dream. (Ragheb
               Dream  in  lexical  meaning            Isfahani, 1991: 374; Qureshi
               is  derived  from  the  verb           Bonabi, 1993, Vol. 3: 37)

               see,  and  is  good  vision               Mystically, Ibn Arabi had
               comes  from  Allah  and  a             called  Ruya  (glad  tidings,
               (bad)  dream  (hulm)  from             mubashirat)  and  this  is

               devil.  Ruya  and  hulm  is            according  to  the  prophetic
               what the sleeper sees in his           tradition,  the  prophet  said:
               sleeping;  but  ruya  is  often        No  remnants  of  prophecy

               said  about  good  things.             remain  today  [in  people's
               (Ibn  Manzur,  1994,  Vol.             lives]  except  glad  tidings.
               14: 145)                               When  asked  what  glad

                  The  interpretation  of  the        tidings were, replied, “True
               vision    means      that    the       dreams”.  (Ibn Arabi,  1997,
               interpreter passes from one            Vol. 2: 376)
               form  to  another,  as  if  he            In  Ibn  Arabi’s  view,  the

               asked        about        water        dream  happens  in  the
               interpretation,  and  says:            presence  of  imagination
               Life. In this case, he passes          while  the  seer  is  sleeping,

               from  one  thing  to  another.         so  sleeping  is  the  passage
               (Ibn Faris, 1983, Vol. 4: 208)         to  give  the  news  about
                  Ruya  technically  has  no          things  which  are  related to

               difference  with  the  lexical         the dream.
               one,  vision  in  the  Quranic            So, there are two passages:
               terminology, according to what         The  first  is  from  the
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