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               106  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 101-129, Winter. 2023
               fade  away.    (Ibn  Arabi,            manner. (Ibn Sina, 2004: 33;
               1997, Vol. 1: 288)                     Qaysari, 2009: 89)

                  It must be noted that Ibn              This  indicates  that  the
               Arabi sometimes called the             imaginal  faculty  differs
               imaginal       faculty,      the       from one person to another;

               contiguous        world       of       because it follows the rank
               imagination, in which angels,          and  position  of  man  in
               spirits,   and     nonmaterial         detachment from this world

               truths  appear  in  embodied           and its bonds and ties.
               forms. (Ibid, Vol. 2: 311)                 The  importance  of  this
                  In      philosophy       and        research lies in the fact that

               mysticism,  the  imaginal              through       the     mystical
               faculty  plays  an  important          analysis  of  the  vision,  the
               role  in  receiving  divine            origin  of  the  ruya  and  its

               effusion and unseen matters,           effects  in  the  Holy  Quran
               and       imaginlizes       and        are  revealed,  and  this
               embodies       the     spiritual       matter  in  itself  is  new.
               truths  for  man  such  as             Although  there  are  articles

               vision, so that the farther a          and       researches        that
               person  moves  away  from              discussed  and  dealt  with
               material      and      worldly         the vision, we did not find

               concerns,  the  more  his              an     independent       article
               imaginal  faculty  reaches             based  on  the  mystical
               the  limit  of  perfection  in         analysis  of  the  verses  of

               reflecting     realities    and        vision in the Holy Quran to
               unseen  matters  in  a  more           show the origin of ruya and
               correct      and       accurate        its related implications.
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