Page 118 - Pure Life 33
P. 118

Mystical Analysis of Dream… Y. Ali. & K.F. Mustafa (117

               make      sense     until    the          Joseph was among those
               interpreter, who has such a            whom  the  God  Almighty

               power of interpretation like           taught them the knowledge
               Joseph, interprets it after he         of  dream  interpretation,  as
               depicts       it     in      his       it  was  indicated  at  the  end

               imagination.  (Ibn  Arabi,             of Surat Joseph:
               1997, Vol. 2: 377)                        “O  my  Lord,  you  have
                                                         given  me  dominion  and
                   4.  The King Dream                    taught         me         the

               It is the Egypt king’s dream              interpretation  of  sayings”.
               about seven fat cows being                (Quran, 12: 101)

               devoured  by  seven  lean
               ones, and  seven green  ears              He was one of the masters
               of corn and seven seared.              in dream interpretation and
                  Allah  says  in  his  Holy          by  this  divine  knowledge

               Book:                                  he  knew  that  the  forms  of
                  “The  King  dreamt  that            cows  are  years,  and  their
                  seven  lean  cows  were             fatness means fertility, and

                  eating seven fat ones and           their  leanness  is  their
                  that  there  were  seven            drought,  and  all  of  this  is
                  green  ears  of  corn  and          connected         with       the

                  seven dry ones. He asked            embodiment of truths in the
                  the nobles to tell him the          presence of imagination.
                  meaning  of  his  dream  if            Ibn  Arabi  confirms  this

                  they  were  able  to”.              in    his    book     “Futuhat
                  (Quran, 12: 43)                     Makkiyya”,  that  the  God
                                                      Almighty  taught  Joseph
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