Page 32 - Pure Life 33
P. 32

The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (31

            practice, the understanding of            other  national  thinking  and
            the  principles  of  Islam.  The          educational thinking.

            Quran also requires people to                The doctrine of the Confucian
            keep learning.                            school  is  a  comprehensive
               Islam's educational philosophy         system of thought based on the

            is  not  to  remember  the                foundations  of  a  civilization
            Quran’s  text  by  heart;  but  to        that  is  the  essence,  concept
            encourage people to understand            and heritage of the Xia, Shang

            the     content     deeply     and        and Chu dynasties.
            thinking over the great meaning              The  basis  of  Confucianism
            of the verses.                            consists  of  two  aspects:

               The Holy Creator in another            “sacred  inward”  (内圣)  and
            Verse states:                             “royal  appearance”  (外  王).
                “Are  those  who  know                That  is,  one  should  hold  the

                equal with those who know             virtues  of  a  holy  man  and
                not?  But  only  men  of              behave  like  a  noble  king.  In
                understanding  will  pay              other  words,  it  refers  to
                heed”. (Quran, 39: 9)                 internal  and  external  self-

            3.  Training to Achieve Self-             construction, including science
                Construction Goal                     and ethics. The original Text is:

            Confucianism  also  attaches                 是故内圣外王之道,暗而
            great importance to education.               不明,郁而不发。
            The  Confucianism  not  only

            affects  the  development  of             4.  Giving  High  Status  to
                                                          Educators and Learners
            Chinese  civilization;  but  also
            had  an  impact  on  other                Islam        attaches        great
                                                      importance  to  the  status  of
            civilizations,  which  includes
                                                      educators  and  the  scholars
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