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            34  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
            Sage's  knowledge,  initiating            a  good  understanding  of
            peace  and  security  for  all            religious  etiquette  (礼而:Li)

            ages.  (The  original  text  is:          and  know  how  to  lead  the
            “为往圣继绝学,为万世开                              country  and    people  with  the

            太平。”)                                     rites  of  religion  and  morality
               Some       people      pursued         (道之以政),  in  the  hope  that

            different  goals  in  practicing          society  will  be  in  balance
            Confucius  lessons  such  as              (和:Harmony)  and  people
            making their own superior life            can  experience  security  and
            or  bringing  the  honor  to  the         prosperity  (小康:  Xiaokang)

            ancestors or the family name.             (Confucian near-ideal state of
            However,  the  intention  of              society) to achieve the goal of

            Confucius       is     that     the       appointing government officials
            knowledgeable  people  after              from        trained       scholars
            acquiring  knowledge  should              (学而优则士).
            use  their  own  knowledge  to               It goes without saying  that

            contribute the development of             such  criteria  for  selecting
            the society. (Fang, 2012: 146)            officials objectively lead  to a

            6.  Negation of Tribalism and             confrontation  between  the
                Emphasis on Meritocracy               learners  of  mental  work  and

            In  Confucian  concepts,  being           the physical workers, and also
            successful  in  learning  or              lead to the logical and the real
            higher  learning  (学而优)  is               conclusion  that  mental  work

            achieved when one attains the             is superior to physical work.
            position      of     “gentleman”             Like  the  despicable  notion

            (君子:Junzi) (Means Man of                  that  is  reflected  based  on  a
                                                      famous  statement,  “all  jobs
            honour;Man of noble Character),
                                                      are  despicable  and  the  only
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