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               58  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 27-61, Winter. 2023
               Conclusion                             is that all men and women
               Based      on     what      was        should  seek  knowledge  for

               discussed  above  on  the              the rest of their lives.
               educational  thinking  in  the            In addition, both schools
               Confucian  school  and  the            seriously        put      great

               thinking        in      Islamic        emphasis on the importance
               education  separately,  these          of     education,    both     on
               two  schools  in  educational          acknowledging        ignorance

               principles, educational methods,       and  on  avoiding  to  do
               educational            content,        something without acquiring
               educational  field  (scope)            prerequisite knowledge.

               even  educational  time  and              Can  be  the  principle  of
               place,  and  other  minor              educating      each     person
               issues as well, in the larger          according  to  his  or  her

               case,  the  differences  are           talents      and       interests
               relatively trivial.                    (因材施教)  used  in  the
                  For  example,  regarding            modern education system?
               the wide range of education               Looks  like  it  is  still

               audiences  in  these  two              usable.  We  just  have  to
               schools,  we  can  say  that           look  at  how  it  fits  in  new
               although  the  Confucian               system       of      education.

               school  believes  in  the              Different           generations
               principle  of  education  for          inevitably  have  different
               all strata of society; but this        needs as well.

               principle  does  not  include
               women,  while  the  explicit
               belief of the Islamic school
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