Page 54 - Pure Life 33
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The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (53

               “Eat dinner, even if it is a           6.  Learning Motivations Basis
               handful  of  dates;  because           In  terms  of  motivations  for

               leaving  it  makes  a  person          learning,      the     Confucian
               old”.  (Ibn  Majah,  2013,             school  sets  the  ideal  goal  for
               Vol. 2: 1113)                          all    learners:     First    self-

                                                      improvement,  then  family
               Imam Bagher states:                    reformation,  then  country
               “If    people      know      the       governance, and finally world

               benefits  of  brushing,  they          peace; But education in Islam
               will  take  the  toothbrush  to        is  not  only  a  guide  to  the
               bed at night”. (Majlisi, 1982,         Hereafter but also a source of

               Vol. 76: 130)                          morality  in  the  material

               Islamic educational content            world.

            is    based     on    developing             Imam Ali says:
            conscious people, so that they               “Ask for understanding and
            can  preserve,  promote  and                 learning, not for harassment
            spread Islam, and at the same                and  seeking  the  teacher’s

            time,  by  knowing  God,  they               mistakes; because the ignorant
            can  be  the  successor  of  the             who is eager for learning is
            Creator of the universe on earth,            like  the  wise.  And  indeed,

            develop morality according to                the  unjust  wise  is  like  the
            God's  will,  and  live  a                   ignorant  who  seeks  the
            balanced  life  in  the  material            excuse”. (Nahj al-Balagha,

            world.  In  this  way  they  can             Hekmah. 320)
            achieve their material, spiritual,             He also says:
            personal  and  social  goals.                “It  is  up  to  the  student  to

            (Zein al-Din, 1982)                          be  polite  and  try  to  learn

                                                         the  etiquette  of studentship
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