Page 74 - Pure Life 33
P. 74

Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (73

                  - Wife's Rights                     Islamic Republic of Iran (2002)
                  - Husband's Rights                  reads,  maintenance  includes

                  - Children's Rights                 dwelling,  clothing,  food,
                  - Parents' Rights                   furniture  in  proportion  to
                                                      the situation of the wife, on
                  In order for a family to be         a  reasonable  basis,  and
               efficient, both mandatory and          provision of a servant if the
               non-mandatory  rights  must            wife is accustomed to have
               be  honored  and  fulfilled.           servants or if she needs one

               The  efficiency  of  the               because of illness or defects
               family  depends  largely  on           of limbs. (A Collection of Rules,

               how  far  these  rights  are           2002, Vol. 2: 1079)
               respected  and  upheld.  In               Therefore, the maintenance,
               the  following,  these  rights         which is considered among
               are introduced.
                                                      wife's  rights to be honored
               Wife's Rights                          by the husband includes the
                   1.  Maintenance        and         following:

                      Necessities of Life                A.  Provision  of  suitable
               It  is  obligatory  on  the               residence: For residence,
               husband to pay maintenance                the  wife  is  entitled  to  a

               of his wife and the amount                house suitable for her as
               of       maintenance          is          usual  for  her  euqal.    She
               determined according to the               should  be  supplied  the
               wife's  needs  and  status.               facilities required by her.

               (Imam Khomeini, 2000: 299)                She  can  demand  for  her
                  The modified Article 1107              residence a separate house

               of  The  Civil  Code  of  the             without sharing a co-wife,
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