Page 70 - Pure Life 33
P. 70
Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (69
must be for fulfilling a right. non-mandatory, and they do
(Mesbah Yazdi, 2005: 55) not entail any punishment
and he whose right is
Mandatory and Non- violated has no right to
Mandatory Rights and petition either.
Obligations Certainly, both sets of
Some of the rights and rights and obligations are
obligations considered for meant to help attain an
the members of a family or efficient family. Speaking
a community from the from a religious point of
point of view of religious view, the first category of
sources is mandatory and rights has been introduced
uninfringeable. as obligatory rights and the
Whoever possesses an second category has been
uninfringeable right can considered recommended or
enforce such right against whom mubah (permissible) rights.
such right is enforceable. He who fulfills and
That means, a person honors both rights will be
against whom the right is rewarded by God in the
enforceable has a legal duty afterlife. In case the
to honor the right of the mandatory rights are
person (protected under law), dishonored and one of the
not to mention the fact that family members fails to
a punishment has been fulfill his duty, not only
assigned in case his right is will he be punished under
not honored. However, there Shari'a and civil law, but he
are some rights which are
will also be punished by God.