Page 78 - Pure Life 33
P. 78
Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (77
and provide for her asking them the reason for
present needs and living continuation of their
expenses. (Imam Khomeini, married lives. The results
2000: 288-299) of this research show that
sexual satisfaction is
2. Satisfaction of Sexual associated with the stability
Needs of marital relationships.
A fundamental function of Neglecting this need will
the family is to regulate put the wife into serious
and gratify sexual needs of health complications. Given
the couple. Sexual feeling the fact that sexual need is
and the organs associated a biological feature of
with it are an important human being, Islam
part of the human considers wife's sexual
existence. To maintain the satisfaction to be part of
psychological and mental her right as well as one of
well-being and peace of the man's duties. The Quran
family as well as its considers sexual relationships
efficiency, the first point is as a beauty of the married
to explicitly confirm and be life. (Ref: Quran, 3: 14)
cognizant of the sexual Religious teachings
aspect of one's spouse. emphasize satisfaction of
In regards to sexual sexual desire through
satisfaction, Bradford has marriage only considering
conducted a research on as it an important aspect of
many as 351 couples over marriage. Since there is no
15 years of marital life
other way to gratify the