Page 69 - Pure Life 33
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68 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 63-100, Winter. 2023
2. Family and developing their
Experts have presented capabilities and competence
different definitions of in various cognitive, emotional
family. Each definition refers and behavioral dimensions.
to a dimension of the (Safouraei Parizi, 2010: 11)
family. However, family can
be defined with a view to 4. Right and Obligation
its basic features. Right and obligation are
Family is among of the reciprocal and they are two
most common social sides of the same coin.
institutions that emerges as When a husband has the
a result of marriage right to forbid his wife
from going out to work, the
between a male and a
female ending up in blood wife is, then, under the
ties. Usually characterized obligation to avoid working
by shared residence, it has outside the home.
personal, physical, economic Thus, we see that the
and educational functions. rights and obligations which
(Salarifar, 2022: 13) manifest themselves in
mans' social behavior are
3. Efficient Family concomitant and closely
An efficient family is a connected to each other;
family whose members, by that is, wherever there is a
adhering to religious beliefs right, there is a
and observing Islamic corresponding obligation,
morality and fulfilling rights, and wherever there is an
pave the way for exploring obligation upon someone, it