Page 98 - Pure Life 34
P. 98

A Critical Analysis of Machavelli's View … Z . Kabiri et al (97

            more  powerful  is  desirable             injustice; even the just actions
            and      has      more      value.        that  cause  weakness  are

            (Machiavelli, 2019a: 27)                  considered  bad  and  cruel
                                                      actions  that  bring  power  are
                3.  Way  of  Determining              good. He wrote in the book of

                    the  Criteria  of  the            “Discourse”:
                    Value of Moral Action                When  the  security  of  our
            Machiavelli argues that if the               country is in danger, justly
            criteria  of  values  are  not               or  unjustly,  consideration

            found  in  nature  as  their                 of  what  is  just  or  unjust,
            primary  source,  they  should               merciful  or  cruel,  is  not

            be  sought  in  the  empirical               worthy; it is shameful, just
            study  of  history  as  their                there should be concern for
            secondary  source.  (Benner,                 power.  (Machiavelli,  1883,
            2009: 131-132)                               Part. 3, Chapter. 41: 293)

               Therefore,  he  believes  that
            by  referring  to  nature  and               In other words, he supports
            history,  we  can  comprehend             the immoral behaviour of the

            what  actions  strengthen  our            ruler if it leads to the strength
            sense  of  power  and  what               of  the  country  and  does  not
            actions weaken this sense, the            propose his advice.

            first type is considered virtues             According  to  Machiavelli's
            and the second type are vices.            moral system, it is impossible
            (Ibid: 343-346)                           to  defend  these  two  moral

               Machiavelli  has  turned  to           principles  accepted  by  all
            oppressing in order to escape             moral  systems  and  all  wise
            from  being  oppressed.  He               people, that “Justice is Good”
            overlooks  inherent  goodness             and “Cruelty is Bad”. Anything

            and  badness,  justice  and               that  serves  to  increase  power
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