Page 127 - Pure Life 34
P. 127
126 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
and the decision on the influence of education and
Lagrange Multiplier test, the HDI variables on the divorce
CE model is better than the rate of people in the province.
RE model, so it can be Jambi, as presented in the
concluded that the CE model following table.
is the best alternative as a
model for estimating the
Table 5. Common Effect Models
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 12.80 6.51 1.96 0.06
LOG(PDK) 4.28 1.66 2.57 0.01
LOG(IPM) -7.96 4.32 -1.84 0.07
7.96, meaning that if the
R-squared = 0.28 community's HDI level
F-statistic = 6.51
Prob(F-statistic) = 0.00 increases by 1%, then the
divorce rate will decrease by
Based on the Common 7.96%. The influence of the
Effect model in Table 5, the HDI variable on the divorce
coefficient of the education rate occurs significantly at an
variable is positive at 4.28, error level of 10%.
meaning that if people's Simultaneously the education
education increases by 1%, and HDI variables have a
then the divorce rate will significant effect on the rate
increase by 4.28%. This effect of family divorce in the
occurs significantly at the people of Jambi Province
error level of 5% and 1%. because the resulting statistical
The coefficient of the F value is 6.51 > F table of
variable human development 3.28. Mathematically it can be
index (IPM) is negative by