Page 166 - Pure Life 34
P. 166

Chronicle the Hundred Historical Events … M.Sh. Badra & Z. Shirdel (165

            Conclusion                                Therefore, it turns to the ideas
                                                      of populism and Machiavellianism,
            The  current  situation  in  the          and  its  logic  is:  The  end
            contemporary  world  of  the              justifies the means.
            system        of     domination,             In    the    meantime,      the

            including the two poles of the            strategy of confronting America
            dominator and the dominated,              indicates  a  true  philosophy
            which is happening in front of
                                                      that, in hundred historical events
            the  institutions  that  claim            from 1921-2020 AD, an attempt
            human  rights  and  the  United           was made to deal with a part
            Nations,  shows  the  need  to            of the depths of this historical

            get out of this circle.                   reality;  however,  the  search
               Based  on  this,  the  revival         for  this  issue  in  political
            and  climax  of  the  Great               philosophy  includes  wider
            Islamic  Revolution,  which               dimensions until a reason can

            was  accompanied  by  the                 be  found  to  compensate  for
            language  of  honor  and  the             this  huge  amount  of  damage
            literature  of  resistance  in  the       to the Iranian nation.

            international      law    system,            This issue also requires legal
            shows       an     irreconcilable         follow-up  at  the  international
            conflict  with  the  system  of           level;  because  the  conscience

            domination           in         the       of  history  and  the  future
            contemporary  era  and  its               generations  of  this  land  will
            ruling  hegemony;  dominance              ask  about  the  performance  of

            system that according to some             Iranians  today,  just  as  the
            religious  issues  in  Islam;             performance of the Qajar and
            including  Waiting,  Altruism,            Pahlavi  kingdoms  today  is  a
            Jihad and martyrdom, it is not            source of shame for Iranians.

            possible  to  face  directly;
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