Page 171 - Pure Life 34
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170 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
Introduction frequency of frequently used
Scientific journals publish keywords. (Thomas and
articles to publish scientific Bevan, 2007)
information in their field, Content analysis has certain
which is divided into different complexities that experts
levels according to their should not neglect and
content and scientific quality. underestimate.
Meanwhile, the impact Content analysis allows
factor of a journal evaluates researchers to make repeatable
its publication rate and and valid inferences from data
citation rate by considering to their context.
the ratio between the number Texts can generally be
of times an article was defined as books, articles,
published in the two years cartoons, graffiti, newspaper
before the analysis was cited. headlines, historical documents,
(Erivan et al, 2020) interview transcripts, and
So, their content analysis is advertisements, as well as
one of the details that writers non-text materials such as
should pay attention to. television segments, photography,
Content analysis is defined videotapes, and performance
as a set of methods for and visual arts materials or
studying the content of any medium.
written or transcribed texts Textual data may be oral,
that enable the researcher to printed, or electronic and they
incorporate large amounts of may come from narrative
textual information and responses, open-ended survey
systematically identify its questions, interviews, focus
features, such as the groups, observations, or published