Page 184 - Pure Life 34
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Content analysis of International Multi … A. Karimi & M.A. Pargho (183

            brings  us,  and  seeking  for            is  the  holy  book  of  God,
            improving  Intellectual  and              contains  wise  interpretations

            intellectual     relations    with        for the lay people, and can be
            other nations and civilizations           understood  to  some  extent
            of the world, Teaching how to             with  the  help  of  conceptual

            rationally  deal  with  new  and          metaphors,  for  example,  by
            new  technologies,  especially            using this method, it becomes
            among         young        people,        clear that the  approach  of  the

            identifying       factors      that       Quran       is    peace-oriented.
            threaten      peace       between         (Mirsepasi et al, 2022)
            different  religions,  especially

            Islamic  religions,  preserving           Conclusion
                                                      The  purpose  of  this  research
            the institution of the family as
            a  sacred  institution  in  many          is  to  analyze  the  content  of

            religions,  creating  a  context          the  articles  in  IMJPL  and  to
            for  rational  discussion  and            answer the question about the
            dialogue        and       without         characteristics and specifications
            prejudice  between  different             of the articles and the authors

            religions,     development       of       of  the  articles.  The  findings
            spiritual and divine life in the          show  us,  20%  of  the  articles
            dimensions  of  current  human            were written individually and,

            life,  finding  solutions  for            80%  of  the  articles  were
            many      current     issues     of       written as a group.
            spiritual life.                              This  result  indicates  that

               Also  about  investigating  of         according to high level of this
            the methods of metaphorizing              journal  and  the  need  to
            the  pure  life,  some  papers            conduct interdisciplinary research,

            indicate  that  The  Holy  Quran          big part of papers was performed
                                                      by more than one researcher.
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