Page 180 - Pure Life 34
P. 180

Content analysis of International Multi … A. Karimi & M.A. Pargho (179

            six authors, England with five               According to the findings of
            authors,  Pakistan  with  four            diagram 7, among the general

            authors,  America,  Iraq  and,            research  methods,  93%  of
            Nigeria with three authors have           qualitative  articles,  5%  of
            the most considerable quantity.           quantitative,  and  2%  were

               In  the  meantime,  writers            mixed.
            from  Germany,  Italy,  China,
            Brazil,  the  Czech  Republic,

            South  Africa,  Saudi  Arabia,
            Denmark,  Wales,  Argentina,
            Australia, Austria, the Republic                          2%

            of Azerbaijan, Senegal, Bahrain,
            Philippines, India, and Canada,
            had lower participation in articles.


                 Lebanon  2
               Afghanistan  2
                Philippines  2
                                                            Qualitative  Quantitative  Mixed
               Saudi Arabia  2

                  Nigeria  3
                    Iraq  3                                Diagram 7. The General
                 America  3                             Research Methods of Articles
                  Pakistan  4
                                                         According to the findings of
                  England  5
                                                      diagram  8,  among  the  partial
                 Indonesia  6
                    Syria  8                          methods  of  research,  82%
                    Iran                  71          were       descriptive-analytical

                        0   20   40   60   80         articles, 7% were documentary,

                                                      3% were critical analysis, and
              Diagram 6. Country of Authors
   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185