Page 183 - Pure Life 34
P. 183
182 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
repetitions, Islam with 6 from the all papers that have
repetitions, peace with 4 been analyzed. If we review
repetitions, faith with 3 the papers, probably we’ll find
repetitions are the most out that the majority of them
frequent among keywords are related to pure life based
on: Religious studies,
especially Islam, Quran, the
prophet Mohammad, Ethics,
culture, etc.
At the same time, it
shouldn’t be ignored that a lot
of various aspects of
civilization related to religious
like literature, poems,
Diagram 11. The Most Frequent Keywords philosopher, Education, Economics,
Art, political science, Social
Also among them, seven
articles had a comparative Responsibility, women's issues,
approach. (Badra and Shiri, Law, Islamic civilization,
2021; Dehghani Firouzabadi peace studies, Humanities,
and Islami, 2022; Fahs and History, and some new objects
Kanso, 2022; Fatemi Hasanabadi like Covid-19, Cyberspace,
and Islami, 2020; Gorjian et al, Social Networks, Near-Death
2020; Jørgensen and Experiences (NDE), Global
Sohrabian Parizi, 2021; Research has been worked by
Shafizadeh and As'ad, 2021) researchers.
In addition, in this part of This journal recommended
this article, the writers want to that the best and pure life
analyze the qualitative item happened by obeying religion