Page 179 - Pure Life 34
P. 179
178 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
It should be indicated that
3% according to the database of
this research (here is web site
of the IMJPL), some times the
excat title of the faculty
45% 52%
writers was not mentioned; so
it is decided to use title
“Faculty” as separated category.
Without presence 20 19
One Person
Two Person 14
Diagram 4. The Collaboration 10 8 9
8 7
Status of Female Authors
6 5 5 5
According to the findings of 4 3 3
diagram 5, the authors of the
articles are separated by
educational qualification and
academic rank, and out of all
the authors of the papers, 5 are
professors, 7 are associate Diagram 5. Educational Qualification
professors, 5 are assistant and Academic Rank of Authors
professors, 3 are instructors, According to the findings of
19 are faculty members, 8 are diagram 6, among the
lectures, 3 are Ph.D, 9 are participating countries, Iran
Ph.D. students, 10 are masters, with 71 authors, Syria with
5 are MA students. eight authors, Indonesia with