Page 76 - Pure Life 34
P. 76
Manifesting the Meaning of Life … S. Azimi Terambanian et al (75
capable of achieving. This essence perspective and fulfill the will
of the artistic gaze is what of the Creator.
views the world joyfully, and Art, likewise, through its
to joyfully perceive the world elevation of reality, teaches
means to live in a joyful humans the proper way to
world. observe and confront existence,
Therefore, one can argue bringing along the wonders
that the ultimate goal of art is and delights that it entails.
beauty, and beauty is what
creates happiness. B. Living in the Present
In Wittgenstein's philosophy, Ethics and aesthetics can be seen
the perfection of life is as Wittgenstein's recommendations
for understanding eternal essence;
achieved through attaining
happiness, and art provides As he writes in a part of his
the conditions for reaching notes:
this goal. Art leads to beauty, A good life is one that is
and beauty is the creator of viewed from an eternal
happiness. perspective, and an artistic
From this perspective, ethics effect is an object viewed
and aesthetics are interconnected from an eternal standpoint.
in their association with a This is the connection between
joyful and happy and blissful ethics and aesthetics.
world. (Wittgenstein, 2000: 7&10&16)
Ethics, by creating the From Wittgenstein's perspective,
grounds for human happiness, what happens in art is, like
aligns individuals with the ethics, a kind of departure
entire universe and enables from the usual mode of
them to attain an eternal perception of the flow of life.