Page 72 - Pure Life 34
P. 72
Manifesting the Meaning of Life … S. Azimi Terambanian et al (71
He believes that the Now we know that the
essence of life must be sought notion of “I” in question is the
in these unspeakable matters. philosophical “I” with a will.
According to Wittgenstein, it
A. The Will of Good and Evil is only the realization of the
In Wittgenstein's view, ethics ethical will, the will of good
is a theory aimed at or evil, that can change the
improving the quality and boundaries of the world and
manner of human life in a have an impact in such a way
way that leads to happiness that an entirely different
and contentment. world emerges.
Given that the world is
He believes that a different
unchangeable, it is necessary world must be created, a
for our perspective on the joyful world where one looks
world to change in order to at the surrounding world from
attain happiness and fulfillment. a different perspective, distinct
This change in attitude can from the sorrowful human
only be achieved through the world.
metaphysical subject and his
eternal outlook on the world; B. Living in the Present
As he states: According to Wittgenstein,
Good and evil enter the the path to achieving an
world only through me. ethical life is to agree with the
What is good or bad is world and gratefully accept its
fundamentally myself, not existence as it is through
the world. It is the will of living in the present, which he
man that is good or evil, sees as an eternal extension.
not the world. (Wittgenstein, Thus, one of the most
2000: 5&8&16) essential components in attaining