Page 75 - Pure Life 34
P. 75
74 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
Thus, the sense of philosophy does not distinguish
meaninglessness is closely between ethics and aesthetics
related to how humans and considers these two
perceive the concepts of life elements as one.
and death. By changing
perspectives and viewing the A. The New Concept of
world from an eternal Happiness
standpoint and accepting In a section of his notes,
circumstances, one can face Wittgenstein writes:
fears and life's difficulties Is it the essence of the
relatively easily, which are artistic gaze to view the
the breeding ground for the world joyfully (happily)?
emergence of existential thought. (Wittgenstein, 2000: 20&10&16)
And the next day, he
2. Aesthetic Component
It can be observed with careful writes:
examination of Wittgenstein's Life is serious. Art is joy.
The purpose of art is
works and life that aesthetic
concerns have always been at beauty. And beauty is what
the center of his attention and brings about the creation of
constitute a focal point in his happiness (bliss). (Ibid)
philosophy. However, Wittgenstein's Perhaps Wittgenstein's intention
remarks in the Tractatus behind expressing these statements
regarding aesthetics are very can be interpreted as follows:
limited and scarce. He only It is art that has the ability to
mentions aesthetics “Ästhetik” create happiness in life.
once in this book. Wittgenstein firmly believed
As previously mentioned, that creating a joyful existence
Wittgenstein in his early is a practical act that art is