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            96  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
                1.  Classification of Moral           value. As he writes in one of
                    Actions                           his famous book, “The Prince”,
            Value  means  the  merit  of              the  princes  must  be  ready  to
            something and valuation means             sacrifice  their  virtues  and
            estimating  the  value  of  that          desirable  traits  in  order  to

            thing.  Value  involves  some             gain  and  maintain  power.
            kind  of  truth,  correctness,  or        Therefore, from his viewpoint,
            even goodness. The expansion              morality  should  serve  power.

            of the meaning and application            (Machiavelli,  2011,  Chapter.
            of  this  term  has  gradually            16 :  129-130)
            caused the meanings of these

            concepts  to  become  different               2.  The  Role  of  Intention
            in    each     of    the    fields.              and  Motivation in the
            (Edwards, 1967: 229)                             Evaluation of Moral Actions

               In  a  popular  classification,        Since Machiavelli is a political
            values are divided into intrinsic         philosopher,  not  a  moral
            and non-intrinsic. Intrinsic value        philosopher,      it    is    very
            means  that  an  object  is               difficult  to  find  his  specific

            valuable  “On  its  own”.  A              theory on ethics, the criterion
            non-value  is  a  value  that  is         of moral action and intention.
            good not for its own sake, but            For  he  just  values  material

            for the sake of something else            power and apparent government,
            that is somehow related to it.            he appreciates the intention of
            (The  Stanford  Encyclopedia              performing moral actions only

            of Philosophy, 2017)                      if it leads to human strength.
               As stated before, Machiavelli             Therefore,       from        his
            regarded  power  to  be  as  an           viewpoint, telling the truth or

            end  in  itself  and  an  intrinsic       telling  a  lie  is  not  important,
                                                      whatever  makes  a  person
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