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            92  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            he  never  forgets  his  father's             2.  Human Changeability
            property.                                        or Immutability
               Most  of  the  critics  of             Machiavelli  does  not  accept
            Machiavelli's  books  believe             that  ethics  may  change  the
            that  according  to  him,  the            destiny,  though  some  of  his

            social  position  and  the  law           critics  assert  that  he  did  so
            make  a  person  overcome  his            indirectly. (Machiavelli, 2011: 16)
            selfishness and desire, but the              Machiavelli  discusses  the

            social position cannot suppress           immutability of human morals
            the selfishness of a person; So           in  his  “The  Prince”  book;  he
            politicians should benefit from           narrates  the  story  of  two

            this     bad      human       trait       commanders,  one  of  whom
            (ambition)  to  increase  their           was  bad  and  the  other  good,
            power,  and  they  can  use  any          but both of them  reached  the

            means  to  get  the  power.               same  degree  of  success.  The
            (Madadpour,  2010,  Vol.  1:              story concludes that the success
            45-46)                                    of  commanders  goes  back  to
               He  believes  that  when  a            their internal states, which are

            person  does  a  good  deed,  he          always  constant,  and  that
            is necessarily either forced or           changes are the external states
            in  need,  and  if  his  freedom          of humans. (Machiavelli, 2019a)

            and  need  are  satisfied,  he               He believes that every human
            immediately makes the world               being  has  an  unchangeable
            chaotic  and  full  of  unrest,  so       nature  and  the  moral  traits

            there should be a law for him.            derived  from  his  nature  are
                                                      unchangeable because deviation
                                                      from  nature  is  not  possible

                                                      (natural determinism).
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