Page 92 - Pure Life 34
P. 92
A Critical Analysis of Machavelli's View … Z . Kabiri et al (91
the ultimate goal of human found in Machiavelli's works.
actions and finally, the (Ref: Holler, 2009)
standard of moral actions. It can be concluded that if
man is considered as a one-
Although the introduced dimensional being without a
sources have made references single soul, discussing about
to the subject, there is no values and criteria for achieving
source that independently them tend to be material and
expresses Machiavelli's view perfectionism remains incomplete,
on the standard of moral because eternal values are
action and evaluates his view related to the human soul.
from the perspective of Machiavelli has referred to
Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi.
the badness of human nature
Basics of Machiavelli's in different chapters of the
Anthropology book “Discourses”. He even
1. The Nature of Man begins the introduction of the
and his Real Essence book like this:
Fan Fukno, one of the famous People are born with a
interpreters of Machiavelli's jealous nature and tend to
views, has reviewed the be criticized more than to be
materiality of human identity praised. (Machiavelli, 1984)
based on Nietzsche's and According to him, man is
Machiavelli's viewpoint. humble and ambitious, and
He declares the philosophical because he has such a creation,
anthropology of Nietzsche and he gets tired of his work to
Machiavelli are based on the point where he even
human physicality. So spiritual forgets his father's death, but
dimension of man is not