Page 116 - Pure Life 35
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The Most Important Application of Self-knowledge… T.S. Amini et al (115
self, to answer the question: Therefore, self-knowledge
what is self-knowledge from is the fundamental axis of
the viewpoint of Allameh other human cognitions.
Tabatabai and Bergson? (Saeidi et al, 2016: 106)
Throughout history, philosophers
Theoretical Foundations and have extensively discussed
Research Background and analyzed the problem of
Epistemology is the basis of self-knowledge, although they
human attitude, vision, nature did not have a single and
and action, on which all the completely similar concept of self.
achievements of civilization, In the meantime, Allameh
including philosophy, natural Tabatabai (1904-1981), the Quran
sciences, humanities, engineering, commentator and Muslim
industry, culture and lifestyle,
philosopher, directly in some
are based. (Khosropanah, 2018: 19) of his important works, such
On the other hand, the as “Risalah al-Wilayah”, and
perception of sensations is a sometimes during other
general matter that branches philosophical discussions such
into numerous components. as “Tafsir Al-Mizan” and
And it is the self that, from “The Principles of Philosophy
these partial perceptions based and the Method of Realism”,
on the external sense, makes has provided significant reflections
knowledge superior to matter on the topics related to the
and nature and makes them
self and its knowledge.
the support for abstract Among the external journey
perceptions related to abstract or “Seyr-e-Afaqi” and the inward
worlds. (Ibid: 612)
journey or “Aeyr-e-Anfusi”,